Time to make lemonade!

mint blueberry lemonade
mint blueberry lemonade
This weekend, I made mint and blueberry lemonade. It was so good! There are so many recipes out there, I want to try Hannah's idea with black tea. What's your favorite recipe?
. . .
some lovely links:
+ Soft and feminine fashion shoot
+ Amazing drawings on sand
+ Wedding Inspired by (500) Days of Summer movie


  1. Elena, these photos are beautiful as always and your new blog looks AMAZING!x

  2. I love these photos...how is it they end up looking so clear and bright? do you use a action?

  3. Thanks Katyha! No I just use daylight, I shoot near a big window.

  4. What is the recipe you used?


  5. was looking for recipe and yes the pictures are amazing!

  6. sounds delicious!! where can I find this recipe?


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