
strawberries To be honest I haven't picked up a brush for such a long time but I really feel like drawing these days. If only I devoted at least an hour to it each day, I'd be a happier person. It always makes me feel good, even if the end result is far from what I'd like for it to be. I guess maybe if I make a commitment here on my blog I might draw more often? I hope that is the case.


  1. These are so simple but really pretty. Drawing and painting is something I wish I could do.

    Jen | sunny sweet pea xx

  2. These look sweet and delicious!

  3. So beautiful. Your creativity is so inspiring :)

  4. It's hard to be sensitive to the times we need to work at creativity, but, also to be aware of the times we just need to breath, soak it up, and let the time work it's magic! Here's to finding the balance :) I love the strawberries!

  5. So awesome! I love your style :)


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