1,5 years old

Sofia 1,5 years

Last week Sofia turned one and a half years old. She is 84 cm tall and weighs 11 kg. She's got almost 16 teeth now. She is so funny that one. She calls her grandma "dear". When she saw a Christmas lights deer on the street (made of wires) the other day she said "the deer is made of spaghetti". One time she was making a pretend-soup from felt veggies and insisted on putting real crackers in it too. Her favourite game though is to bounce on yoga ball and to sing. She loves songs. Her favourite ones are these from the old Russian cartoons I show her: Town Musicians of Bremen and Winnie the Pooh. (They are with English subtitles, please have a look if you are curious, I personally think they are awesome!). And of course she loves Elmo, Dora and her fave English language song is "Wheels on the bus". Ane she loooooves books, I really hope she doesn't outgrow this.

Sofia 1,5 years
Here is a little children's poem she's helping me read, it's in Russian again but it goes like this:

My phone rang. Who's calling?
- An Elephant
Where from?
- From Camel's (place)
What do you need?
- Chocolate!!!


  1. She is so cute!! I love the video, even though I don't understand a word, but I love how "chocolate" in Russian sounds almost the same as in Portuguese ^_^

    1. Thank you! I guess the word "chocolate" must be international :)

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you! She's getting better at it every day :)

  3. I LOOOVE this post :)! My little Z (turns 2 at the end of Jan) is just behind your daughter on these, it seems :) I think she'd love that poem :D! And it's so funny -- there are so many different (mostly made up ;) ) lyrics on the Wheels on the Bus song -- maybe you can share what ones you use? We use the wheels/go round and round; wipers on the bus/go swish swish swish (Z's fave); horn on the bus/goes beep beep beep (Z's 2nd fave); people on the bus/go up and down; babies on the bus/go wah wah wah; mommies on the bus/go shh shh shh (another of Z's faves); daddies on the bus/go I love you; and then I run out :D Sometimes cats are on those buses, dogs ... I'd love to know what more y'all add :)!

    1. Ohh these are great!!! We mostly sing whatever is out there but coming up with own lyrics would be fun!

  4. aaawwww!
    такая зайка!
    просто прелесть

  5. Too cute. Just look at those cheeks.

  6. She is wonderful!
    Loved the poem too ;) We used to read this same poem when I was a kid (I am from Lithuania), so funny to hear it again :)

    1. Thank you! He he i guess it's classic by now.

  7. Sofia is so amazing and cute!
    Congratulations with 1,5! )


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