EH_TITLE Sofia is a country girl at heart. It has been her favourite play subject since we took her to the pumpkin patch last fall. So when we took her to the farm last weekend she was very excited. It was a first warm day of the season, the farm we went to was way too crowded but Sofia had a good time. She didn't understand the egg hunt idea so instead of collecting the eggs she was putting them into other kids baskets. Love that kid. EG1A FARM2 There was a puppet concert, farm animals and a tractor ride. This girl loves tractors.
EH2 E_S She actually told me one day: "Sofia wants to live on the farm!" We are gonna try to get her out there more often this summer, strawberry picking is on our to do list. I hope you all had a nice long weekend!


  1. Such a lovely update! Beautiful pictures as always, your little girl is a sweetie.

  2. I had to laugh, a little girl, who knows what she wants! I love it! Thank you for these darling pictures!

  3. Once again, your family captures sweet memories for you little lady. How lucky is she? Oh, my C has that same hat...Old Navy is the best!!!


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